Energy Justice Clinic Publications
Through the Clinic, Dartmouth scholars and students are part of cutting-edge academic knowledge production in a time of climate crisis and reckoning around racial and other forms of injustice. Our applied research produces robust and innovative data and scholarship on social and environmental issues.
We currently have two peer-reviewed articles published, led by Professor Maron Greenleaf and Dr. Sarah Kelly, with community partners and student co-authors. Additionally, we have two articles in the process (which will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals) and two reports in progress.
Co-Founder Dr. Sarah Kelly
Recent Publications:
Colectivo Epulakfenmapu. 2024. “Trawunko: Ciencia intercultural para monitorear el ko (agua).” Revista Endémico.
Kelly, S., Guerra-Schleef, F., Solli Heiret, Y., Lorini Formiga, N., Fajardo Mazorra, A., Acosta-Rodríguez, S. & Greenleaf, M. 2024. “Epistemological justice as energy justice: Reflections from a transnational collaboration on hydropower and indigenous rights. Climate and Development.”
Kelly, S. 2024. “Protecting a Sacred River: Transnational Appeals for Energy Justice and Indigenous Rights Recognition.” Law and Space Journal.
Greenleaf, M., Kelly, S., Cole, R., Griffin, J., Kreis, D., Salas, A. & Wuu, S. 2023. “Tool for a Just Transition? Community Choice Aggregation and Energy Justice in New Hampshire and Beyond.” Submitted to Energy Research and Social Science.
Negroni, J. M. V., Kelly, S., & Fuster, R. 2022. “¿ Escasez de agua o transición a energías renovables? Mercado de derechos de aprovechamiento no consuntivo de aguas bajo el Nexo Agua y Energía en la geografía del sur de Chile.” Investigaciones Geográficas, (63), 4-23.
Epistemic justice as energy justice: reflections from a transnational collaboration on hydropower and Indigenous rights — 2024
A published peer review article led by Dr. Sarah Kelly and Professor Maron Greenleaf and student co-authors titled: "Epistemic justice as energy justice: reflections from a transnational collaboration on hydropower and Indigenous rights." This article was published in the journal of Climate and Development, Volume 16, Issue 6.
Tool for a just transition? Community choice aggregation and energy justice in New Hampshire and beyond — 2023
A published peer review article led by Professor Maron Greenleaf and Dr. Sarah Kelly with community partners and student co-authors titled: "Tool for a just transition? Community choice aggregation and energy justice in New Hampshire and beyond." Published in the journal Energy Research and Social Science.
Co-Founder Maron Greenleaf
Recent Publications:
Greenleaf, Maron. 2024. “Forest Lost: Producing Green Capitalism in the Brazilian Amazon.” Duke University Press.
Greenleaf, Maron. 2021. "Beneficiaries of Forest Carbon: Precarious Inclusion in the Brazilian Amazon." American Anthropologist.
Mendoza, Marcos, Maron Greenleaf, and Eric Thomas. 2021 "Green Distributive Politics: Legitimizing Green Capitalism and Environmental Protection in Latin America." Geoforum.
Greenleaf, Maron. 2020. "Rubber and Carbon: Opportunity Costs, Incentives and Ecosystem Services in Acre, Brazil." Development and Change.
Greenleaf, Maron. 2020. "The Value of the Untenured Forest: Land Rights, Green Labor, and Forest Carbon in the Brazilian Amazon." Journal of Peasant Studies.